Friday, March 6, 2009

1st Post, 1st Blog...Cubs ramblings

I figured it was time to join the 21st century, so I created this blog to ramble about all things sports. Primarily Hawkeye sports and Chicago sports, but I'll talk about anything interesting in the world of sports.

I've had a chance to watch the Cubs on TV the past two days, and while they have been on the losing end of both games (a fact that anti-Cubs fans won't let me forget...I remind them there is no trophy for Catcus League Champion), I'm liking what I see and am expecting big things. I'm really excited with the hot start from The Riot and Fontenot.

Ryan Theriot has started off his spring hitting .563, with 9 hits in his first 16 AB's, counterpart Mike Fontenot is hitting .391, 9 hits in his first 23 AB's

One of the big competitions in camp this Spring is for the #5 Starter, in my opinion, Aaron Heilman is the #5 starter if the season started today, but heres the stats so far for the pitchers vying for the #5 spot...

Heilman: 2 games, 5 innings, 2 hits, 0 ER, 2 BB, 7 K's
Samardzija: 2 games, 5 innings, 8 hits, 5 ER's, 2 BB, 2 HBP, 3 K's
Marshall: 2 games, 5 innings, 4 hits, 1 ER, 0 BB, 2 K's

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