Friday, March 6, 2009

Lack of support for Iowa Basketball

I said in my last post that I would discuss the lack of support at basketball games. The following is a story I had to write for my reporting and writing class a couple of weeks ago.

The Hawks have apparently flown away from the nest. Where are the loud and rowdy students that pack Kinnick Stadium on Saturdays in the Fall? How can Kinnick be filled to capacity every Saturday with 70,000+ people donning their black and gold, but Carver-Hawkeye constantly fails to sell out an arena of 15,000 people? I didn't realize Hawkeyes go into hibernation after football season. Attendance, especially student attendance, has always been an issue when it comes to basketball the last couple of years, and I have trouble trying to fathom why this is.

My friends and I have been season ticket holders for Iowa basketball the past two seasons and if I'm not mistaken, Carver-Hawkeye arena has been sold out 1 time in the past two years. The athletic department has done their best by lowering ticket prices and ever offering certains games for free to students, what more can they do? I know that Iowa basketball continues to struggle in their second season with Todd Lickliter at the helm, but this is a young team that is improving and badly needs our support.

Coach Lickliter, as well as many of his players, have expressed their gratitude for the fans that have shown up to cheer on their team, however, they have also been campaigning in the local newspapers for more support from the students.

This is a message to all the Iowa students and especially the Iowa sports fans (I know there are alot of you out there). Start taking alittle more pride in your school and in this team, get out and support the Hawks on the hardwood just like we support the Hawks on the gridiron. There are no excuses: the tickets are cheap, the atmosphere is great when there are actually people in the stands, and this is a young team that will continue to flourish under the tutelage of a great coach.

I hope to see alot more Hawkamaniacs in the stands next season

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